GPU Accelerated Object Storage


17 points | by NKdeveloper 3 hours ago


  • NKdeveloper 3 hours ago
    Hey! I'm working on an MVP with the more features and I hope to have it available sometime soon. The MVP will feature a GPU cache that integrates with customers' existing AWS S3 storage through S3 compatible APIs. It will be designed to consistently exceed at least S3’s standard storage tier in both latency and throughput for data read and write operations to enable fast access to your data. Additionally, the MVP will include a user-friendly web console for managing and monitoring storage, and an integrated payment system to support easy adoption and usability.

    In the meantime, please fill out my waitlist and I would love to learn more about your use cases for high performance object storage.

    • billconan 1 hour ago
      I don't get it. so the GPU is your local GPU? you dump data to GPU memory first and then flush the data to s3?
    • NKdeveloper 3 hours ago
      Also I am planning to do additional performance experiments to cover a broader range of use cases and challenging workloads.
  • NKdeveloper 2 hours ago
    One interesting tech fact about the initial approach is that I used CUDA unified memory to minimize the overhead of CPU to GPU data transfer.